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Contributor Rewards Program

Wika Network rewards contributors by minting new tokens.

Its genesis block only has 1000 Wikas in the accounts of the first couple of validating nodes, and all tokens will be minted according to the rewards program policies agreed upon by the community, and documented here.

This policy is currently discussed offchain and executed using multi-sig sudo account, but we will move to a purely decentralized process inchain as soon as it is developed and tested.

The reward amounts are "calibrated" using a price of US$ 0.02 per Wika. This assumption is extremely simplistic and derives from a basic rationale: 1 million users, spending a average of $20 a year, divided by maximum supply of 1 billion Wikas. In reality, it is extremely hard to predict the future market capitalization and price of the token at such an early stage of the project, so the assumption is just a basic way to calibrate our reward system.


ProjectTaskReward (Wikas)CommentsStatus
wika_nodeBlockchain first prototype500 000wika_node github repoDone
wika_browser_extBrowser extension first prototype500 000wika_browser_ext repo
Compatible with Chrome and Firefox
wika_websiteWika website template and CI/CD100 000wika_website repo80% completed, needs final hosting and CI/CD.
wika_nodeImplement a process inchain to create and reward feature requests100 000Instead of managing this through discord and executing with Sudo-
wika_browser_extError management: Replace alert with header error bar25 000wika_browser_ext/issues/1-


TaskReward (Wikas)CommentsStatus
Create a new documenation page50005 Pages so far
Update an existing page1000


TaskReward (Wikas)
Install and test latest versions from source1000
Wika Network early adpoters on main net100
Deploy a testnet blockchain node1000/month

Community management and growth#

TaskReward (Wikas)CommentsStatus
Super Ambassador500 000
Senior Ambassador250 000
Ambassador100 000
Friend of Wika50 000
Discord server Admin50 000 / Month
Discord server Moderator10 000 / Month
Organize an event10 000 to 250 000

Ambassadors should use their balance to recruit new users and contributors. Then they can refund their wallet after justfying how they spent their budget.

Building strategic partnerships#

TaskReward (Wikas)CommentsStatus
Estabish a new strategic partnership500 000For ex Coingecko listing, Wikipedia Foundation, Web3, Kusama, Polkadot, etc.-
Convince a well known website to integrate Wika like button1 000 000

Providing liquidity#

TaskReward (Wikas)CommentsStatus
Supply liquidity on uniswap Wika/ETH poolx /
Supply liquidity on polkaswap Wika/XOR poolx /


TaskReward (Wikas)CommentsStatus
Run an authority MainNet nodeShare of transaction fees
Run a non-authority MainNet node1 000 / Month